Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

ocarina ♥

sweet moment

udah mau penhujung tahun 2011 baru 2 kali posting astaga x_x
ngga tau ni mau mulai dari mana sedikit share gpp ya mungkin aku bakal share photo di awal 2011 kemarin banyak sekali kenang-kenangan yg belum aku ceritain dari pengumuman UN dan perpisahan dan liburan di bandung + awal masuk universita maranatha !! okeh don't go anywhere stay tune yaakkkk


hayyyyy long time not see ya ??? its been a long timeeeee pufffff

i just wanna share about my tumblr pleasee follow ! its fun and more fun to share about photo of you my twitter. facebook. okey everyone if u want it i will follow u back ♥ xoxo

Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

How to Eat and Lose Weight


Eating can help you lose weight. It's all about choosing foods with the right nutrients. You cannot starve your way to permanent weight loss.

How many times have you tried fad diets only to end up disappointed with the results - either you lost weight and then just piled on the kilos again, or you lost weight and your energy as well?

Well, stop dieting and start eating. New studies show that eating certain foods like dietary fibre, soy protein and calcium can help you shed weight.

So it's time to re-stock the fridge with milk, yoghurt, cheese, beans, fruit and vegetables and say "yes" to food - the right kind of food. You'll never have to go hungry again.

Milk, cheese and yoghurt
Fat-busting nutrient: Calcium in dairy products

Calcium does more than just build strong teeth and bones. According to a recent American study, an increase in dietary calcium can also contribute to weight and fat loss.

Participants were divided into three groups: Low-calcium, high-calcium and high-dairy intake. Individuals in the high-dairy group lost 70 per cent more weight than those consuming low levels of calcium.

Another study issue of Obesity Research also shows it's more than just calcium that helps shed kilos. Dairy has a greater effect on fat loss, specifically abdominal fat loss, than calcium alone.

Calcium is a critical factor in controlling what your body does with calories, and dairy is an even more critical factor. Researchers add that three to four servings of dairy foods per day may just do the trick. One serving is eguivalent to two glasses of milk (800 ml) or two slices of cheese (40g). And not just any dairy food - choose from milk, hard cheese and yoghurt.

But before you say "moo", remember that this should not be used as an excuse to binge on dairy products. The key to successful weight loss is still burning more calories than you take in.

Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

my sweet seventeen :*

hy pa kabar smua :)
gk kerasa udh lama banged gk nge-blog :p
gue mau ceritain dkit tntng ultah gue yg udh terlewatkan gue lahir di palembang 16.07.1993 tepatnya bulan kmren gue ultah yg ke 17 tahun wow sweet seventeen saat2 yg paling gue nantikan dimana peralihan gue ke remaja acara'a brlansung di KAK DADUT pada hari jumat acaranya berjalan cukup lancar walau beberapa sahabat gue ada yg gk dteng tpi gpp kawand2terbaik gue yg dri luar skola pada dteng :) gue seneng banged terutama ada mama n kluarga yg paling spesial adalah pacar gue thx honey buat kado'a berikut ini beberapa photo'a enjoy it !

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

perpisahan kelas

its me and my friend well its the last time where we can always together ..honest i'm dont feels so sad you know what ? i can't wait this moment i really hate this class, my friend n many else ..sometimes i said 'oh please 3 class come faster .. i'm not enjoy in the second class ..' the lesson is make me feels so depreseed beside that i had conflict with the other friend and do u know else ? i got red ink !! wow this is a bad score .. well i hope i will get a good score in the thrid class
this my photo n my friend enjoy it !

Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

hey i'm back !

oh finally im blogging again, how are u guys?

i was so busy and being stressed because of the semester test.
there were lots of subjects that seemed very hard to be studied.
i really hate my teacher ! she just make me and my friend feel dissapointed :( why ? its just useless when we try to study verry hard .. in the some Question nothing to answer .. we dont know because the Question is never we learned .. she kill we slowly ...ooohh i hope in my raport i get a good value ..n will go to next grade :)
thx before love :*

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

IT'S ME 'eve'

EVELINE NATANIA SMITH eh EVELINE NATANIA JULIANA SMITH sebenernya aku kurang begitu suka dengan bertambahnya JULIANA di nama ku jujur, NATANIA aja gx suka apalagi JULIANA konon nama EVELINE berasal dari nama MY GRANDMA yg sekarang menetap di amrik. dia kakak opa dan karena opa sayang bnged sama dia makanya aku diberi nama EVELINE cukup lega daripada TULKIYEM dan JULIANA berasal dari nama oma yg di belanda yah begitulah sejarah my name cukup berbelit2 dan SMITH berasal dari fam keluarga yg ortu opa ada darah keturunan belanda makanya disekolah aku di panggil bule atau londo (belanda) hanya seorang gadis yg terlahir dari 16 tahun silam kini mulai beranjak dewasa yg saat ini serba ingin tahu dalam segala hal. pendiam, pemalu, males ngomong, ngampang tersinggung, emosian, gx mudah senyum, n WHAT EVER lah CUKUP BERBINCANG DENGAN KELEMAHANKU terlahir normal di rs.charitas Palembang btw thx 4 doctor yg sudah membantu mama dalam persalinan anak pertamanya J. Lahir dari 6 bersaudara meninggal 1 tinggal 5 anak paling tua yg belum bisa dimanfaatkan menetap sebentar di palembang n move ke BATAM balik ke Palembang ke batam lagi n seterusnya pusing juga dibuatnya apa boleh buat papa pelaut jdi kapalnya gx menetap. Hidup penuh dengan kebahagian semasa kecil . ada pepatah ‘ hidup itu beroda gx selamanya kita di atas ada kalanya di bawah’ bener juga kami mengalami kehidupan yg cukup menguncang selama 4 tahun menderita cukup lamanya CUKUP BERCERITA TRAGEDI dan kembali menjalani hidup normal cukup bahagia walau ada segelincir-segelincir ,masalah tapi aku punya motto ‘hidup dibawa enjoy aja x ngapaen dibikin susah hidup Cuma sekali di bumi so manfaatkan lah baik-baik guys ! ‘ intinya aku hanyalah seseorang yg masih bertahan hidup ‘ thx u very much GOD I can’t do this without you :* Smooch smooch:*

Rabu, 19 Mei 2010


hha it's the first time i can meeting with turis :P before i never ...
i will tell u more about this video ...
first .. i get assigment from my cov teacher the assigment is ' interview with turis' when i know that i'm so annoyed .. how can i meet the turis ?! in the mall ? of course not ! its okey if the turis is kind and friendlyand and want to meet me .... if not ? it can make me shy in many people in this situation... in beach ? hmmm maybe it can but i'm not sure the turis will received well .. so my friend telling me that her father president is turis n the good news he is can speak indonesian wow that'a great ! so dont waste a time we go hurry to her father office and we meet mr dave :) that my story hhe but be honest i'm so nervous ! hha nice to meet u sir :)
